Tag Archives: stupidity

Daily Prompt – Crashing

Today’s Daily Prompt post encouraged writing about disaster or escape. I’m going to talk about an incredibly near miss I had about a month or so ago.

I make it no secret amongst my friends and coworkers that I’m an idiot on the road. I drive too fast and I don’t like wearing my seatbelt. My two bad habits were thrust into the lime light a little while ago when I crashed my car.

Basically, I was driving too fast along a twisty country lane, missed a corner and ended up the wrong side of a bank. When I say the wrong side, I mean I was stuck on it. It’s a relatively big bank and I drive a very small car so I must’ve been doing a pretty high speed to get anywhere near as high up as I did. As if it wasn’t scary enough to attempt to climb a bank in a seventeen year old Micra, I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt.

I was so lucky. I did smash my face on the steering wheel but I didn’t break anything. My car, which I expected to be a write off, turned out to be easily repaired.

The experience has taught me a thing or two. Mostly about slowing down and putting your seatbelt on. Sometimes it’s difficult to see that you’re loved by other people and I by no means recommend doing anything as stupid as I did, but it suddenly showed me how much people cared about me.

I’d been told off by a few friends about the whole seatbelt thing before but for those people to yell and even cry over my crash made me realise how serious it was.

I’m not pretending that I’ve instantly become a safer driver, but I have slowed down and I now always remember to put my seatbelt on (even if I do hate it).

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